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27 September 2010



This is Edge circa the War album sessions. This is probably how he worked out the slide for 'Surrender'. I have this on vinyl.
You are right about Francois. He did remixes for New Years's Day and Two Hearts Beat As One back in the day.

Regarding Edge being on the sleeve for box office appeal? Um no, in 1983 U2 had fans, but not that many fans yet. Edge was not yet famous except to college radio listeners. It took the Joshua Tree to establish that. Then they (U2 were accepted on top 40 stations.


Well, I was going to reply that U2 may not have had many fans in the US, but they already had top ten singles in the UK.... then I thought, hang on a minute, 1983? According to Wikipedia, "By mid-1983, as U2 toured the United States on their War Tour, the group's success had enabled them to fill venues of similar capacity to Red Rocks." The capacity of Red Rock Amphitheatre is 9,450 (source). If U2 were able to fill venues of over 9,000 capacity, then I'd say they had a lot of fans in 1983, even in the US. I very much doubt that Jah Wobble or Holger Czukay could fill venues of 900 even at the height of their careers -- and 1983 was not the height of their careers.

So, on those figures and comparisons, I'd say it was entirely plausible that box office appeal could have been one of the reasons that The Edge was on the sleeve. Can you suggest any others?

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