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30 April 2010



A clunky album this. Not a patch on The Boatman's Call.

M.J. Nicholls

The Fall are the only other band I can name that have been going since the late seventies and who still produce vital work.

This album has flashes of brilliance but is sooooooo slooooooooooow.

Brand New Guy

To take up your challenge - Steve Wynn (Dream Syndicate, Gutterball, Danny and Dusty etc), responsible for these albums I still play regularly: The Days of Wine and Roses, Medicine Show, Out Of The Grey, Ghost Stories, 3 1/2; The Lost Tapes 1985-1988, Live At Raji's, Kerosene Man, Dazzling Display, Fluorescent, Sweetness and Light, Here Come the Miracles, Crossing Dragon Bridge, Static Transmission, ...tick...tick...tick, The Lost Weekend, Cast Iron Soul, Gutterball, Smack Dab, The Baseball Project Volume 1: Frozen Ropes and Dying Quails.

Your taste may vary... ;-)


Many thanks, M.J. and Guy, for the suggestions. Have to confess I don't know any of Steve Wynn's work... well, I've probably heard one or two songs by Danny & Dusty or Dream Syndicate, but that's it. I see Kerosene Man is on We7, so I'll check that out. I stopped buying Fall albums regularly in 1988. I've heard several tales that albums since then have been great, but opinions seem to differ on exactly which albums they are. I dipped into The Unutterable a while back, but wasn't blown away. Any pointers on where I should start with their stuff over the last couple of decades?

M.J. Nicholls

"The Infotainment Scan" & "The Marshall Suite" are the Fall's most consistent releases of the 90s. It is their patchiest decade, though.

As for the 00s, well... if you don't like "The Real New Fall LP" or "Fall Heads Roll" then you probably won't get into their new stuff at all!

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