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01 February 2010



I, too, was late to The Go-Betweens. They split up within weeks of my frined Ken introducing me to them. I saw both Robert and Grant solo that year - and Robert joined Grant for a couple of numbers. And then saw quite a few shows where they were billed as a duo, rather than the Go-Betweens.

In 1999 Brian (Ken's band) supported The Go-Betweens at the Jazz Cafe, that might have been the first time I saw them billed as such. I went to the soundcheck and we sat with Robert while Grant struggled with his sound. Very special. I haven't really listened to the post-reunion albums as much as the older ones and when I went to listen to Rachel Worth today I discovered that I hadn't even ripped it as yet - so ended up listening to Lovers Lane. If pushed I tend to pick Liberty Belle but I guess I felt a little brighter this morning.


OK... just checked the rather great Go-betweens web site and it looks like that Jazz Cafe show was a Forster/McLennan show I may have never seen The Go-Betweens


Thanks, Andy (n.b. not the same Andy that lent me Warm Nights); evidently not as late as me! Glad to see that We7 have both Liberty Belle and Lovers Lane so I'll give those a listen later today.

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