Last time I wrote about Barry Bliss, he chipped in himself with a comment. (I assume it was him anyway. He didn't proffer any details like the name of the album. I once blogged about another musician's album and got an advertorial comment from a marketing monkey for my trouble, which felt unfortunate since she was/is a personal friend.) I've had a couple of other ego-surfing musicians drop by, including Adelbert von Deyen and most recently Philip Sheppard, who revealed that he didn't like his own piece on Unknown Public 11 as much as I did. Ross Lambert, who was part of Feetpackets, found himself here by accident. However, it was a mention on the DGM Live news page eight days ago that saw Music Arcades get its biggest ever number of visits in a day: a full tenfold more than the reassuringly small average. I've always liked the idea of having very few readers. It helps me write with more freedom. Let's keep it to a handful of ego-surfers and the rest who who arrive here from a blogsearch, hoping for free MP3s, and depart 15 seconds letter with a sotto voce "WTF!?""
Anyway, back to Barry. You know, I was keen on him before, and I'm even more so now. Not that Alt. Album reveals, in its to-the-point 24 and a half minutes, significant new depths that were not apparent on "Untitled" (c'mon, tell me what it's really called, please?). It's just that I warm to the style the more I hear it, and reflect on it. The song A Blaze of Glory actually appears on this CD, so I'm going to include the video of it again. I know you didn't watch it all the way through before, so please do so now.
One thing I didn't notice before (though I did watch to the end) was the way the watermark "Trial Version" crops up from time to time, a mark of frugal philosophy: using trial software instead of the commercial version. As with the hand-made cover, an extremely elegant and committed way of making a virtue out of necessity — with, I maintain, very powerful results.
Kudos, finally, for rejecting the fake currency of MySpace and having just two friends on his profile — but there are three songs for you to listen to. Cast out the moneylenders from the temple!
Me again--Barry Bliss.
I suppose I go to google blogs and put my name in about--it varies--once every two weeks maybe.
I am open to hearing criticisms that I might find true as well as giving in to curiosity I suppose.
Some pople titled that other cdr I Love You, D. because it said that on the back.
That title is fine with me if you need one.
Man, right after I open my myspace page up to take friends you praise me for not taking friends. Haha. Oh well.
Thanks again for being so supportive.
PS Two friends worked together to put that video on youtube.
I guess my friend Lippe used the trial software.
Posted by: Barry | 07 September 2009 at 01:51 AM
Wonderful! Sorry for the MySpace mix-up (I've now sent Barry a friend request, but will not take offence if it is declined)
Posted by: David | 07 September 2009 at 09:54 AM