… Third Wire Tapper this month…
I've been feeling ill; lots of headaches, which is unusual for me. As of this morning, I'm on antibiotics for the first time since my pneumonia over a decade ago.
So the first half of this CD wasn't particularly welcome, seeming designed for competitions where the winner is the person who stays longest before rushing from the room, holding head in hands.
Things started to turn for me around the half way point with Dub Trio, who sound a bit like Blind Idiot God in the exploration of the meeting place between dub and hard rock.
Then much of the second half is more soothing Late Junction territory. Matthew Herbert and Trevor Watts aren't Horlicks material, but they're still reasonably easy on the head. Lawrence English is on the periphery of my awareness and I think he does make some skull-crushing sounds, but happily he sounds quite sweet in his duet with Ai Yamamoto included here. I also liked the wispy thin piece by Isnaj Dui — I'm bad at anagrams at the best of times, so now certainly isn't the time to sleuth out where that name came from, but Last.fm informs that her real name is Katie English. Bless.
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