I admit I've got a bit of a complex about these cover CDs from Word: they've started to get under my skin and irritate me to the extent that I feel a dread each time one crops up. I know it's irrational, but there it is.
And here I am. Developing from my sump oil metaphor of covermount CDs, the stuff that I filter out as having some interest is:
- Tony Christie — curiosity value and the Sheffield link, but turns out to be unremarkable.
- The Aliens — the one time I listened to this CD when it arrived, I see I loved this track on Last.fm. I can't figure out the Aliens: I was interested in them because they are descendants of The Beta Band, but when we first saw them at The Green Man Festival in 2006, they were rubbish. Then I heard them on the radio, and they were great. Good? Indifferent? Can't decide.
- Jolie Holland — liked what I first heard of hers, and saw her play in London about three years ago
- Rokia Traoré — interesting that I heard her on this CD last October and it made no impact (were it not for the evidence of my Last.fm listening profile, I might have said that I'd never listened to the CD before); then I heard the same track on Charlie Gillett's Radio 3 show and downloaded half her album from Amazon. That's the importance of context for discovering music
The rest is chaff, waste product. So John Mellencamp and Jackson Browne have new albums out? Not sure I needed to know that. That's what I meant the other day when I said that, when these CDs miss the mark, they miss badly.
Discogs entry for this album
Wikipedia entry for this album
Rate Your Music entry for this album