I can't help feeling there's something slightly lecherous about this song. It sounds like it's aiming to be the kind of Barry White song you put on when you get the girl back to yours, as a soundtrack to a seduction. But instead of the urbane Mr White, there's cosmic Jon, who starts off all metaphysical ("The woman in your soul / Creates the man you hold"), then gradually crosses the threshold to physical ("You are divine, your body holds me tight"), before finally lecturing, verging on haranguing ("A woman needs to love / A woman needs to feel alive / A woman needs her sex / A woman needs dot dot dot [!]"). And if that's not enough to have the poor girl scampering for the fire escape, there's the bear-like Vangelis lurking in the background throughout. Like Jon, he starts off coy and innocent with his gentle synth washes. But as things hot up (or fail to), he ditches the subtlety and comes clomping in with his drums. Vangelis has never had a light touch on the skins. And what's this? Inevitably, I suppose, a third man wanders in with a saxophone solo (probably our old friend Dick Morrissey). Not the greatest moment for any of those involved. I hope she's all right.
As for the b-side, Song Is, well, one thing it isn't is a song. It sounds like J & V were just doodling in the studio and turned on the tapes for three minutes.
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