Every January, the great Tom Robinson plays and hosts a free gig in Battersea, which he calls his Castaway Party. I first went in 2004. As well as performing himself, Tom introduced two other guest performers whom he'd invited to play. One was Chris T-T and the other was Philip Jeays.
Jeays only played two or three songs — I remember being particularly impressed by The Great War — but it was enough to get me started. I bought this CD directly from Phil later that day: I think it was his last one; all the others he'd brought having been sold. And I signed up for his mailing list.
When I got home, I put the CD on, and when I heard Geoff I knew for sure I was onto something right up my street.
Eight weeks later I cajoled Lucy into going to see Phil at Wimbledon Library (see gig details), and she was hooked too. We've seen him five further times since then, bringing friends and family wherever possible, and no-one's been disappointed. Should be famous. Really should be famous.
Details of this album on official web site (including MP3 streams of full songs)